Video about basics of how CT works.
X-Ray Microscopy Introduction
By Jon Giencke, Bruker X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Microscopy (XRM) can provide a wealth of information while being non-destructive and easily accessible. This video series includes an exciting line-up of speakers to discuss the basics of the techniques, provide […]
Micro-computed tomography for natural history specimens: a handbook of best practice protocols
Keklikoglou, Kleoniki, Sarah Faulwetter, Eva Chatzinikolaou, Patricia Wils, Jonathan Brecko, Jiří Kvaček, Brian Metscher, and Christos Arvanitidis. “Micro-computed tomography for natural history specimens: a handbook of best practice protocols.” European Journal of Taxonomy 522 (2019). Abstract Micro-computed tomography (micro-CT or microtomography) […]
Artefacts in X-ray microtomography of materials
Davis, G. R., and J. C. Elliott. “Artefacts in X-ray microtomography of materials.” Materials science and technology 22, no. 9 (2006): 1011-1018. Abstract X-ray microtomography is becoming an increasingly popular tool in the study of microstructure and failure mechanisms in biological […]
Spatial Archaeometry Research Collaborations (SPARC) Teaching Resources for microCT (University of Arkansas)
By Manon Wilson, University of Arkansas Educational resources including CT Data analysis and visualization focused on the field of archaeology.
Acquisition, optimization and interpretation of X-ray computed tomographic imagery: applications to the geosciences
Ketcham, Richard A., and William D. Carlson. “Acquisition, optimization and interpretation of X-ray computed tomographic imagery: applications to the geosciences.” Computers & Geosciences 27, no. 4 (2001): 381-400. Abstract High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a novel technology ideally suited to a wide […]