Website: MorphoSource
Contact: Doug Boyer
Repository for all kinds of 3D resource files representing specimens. Specialized metadata support for data representing different kinds of specimens (cultural heritage or natural/bio science); specialized metadata support for imaging different modalities; characterization and preview support for a large range of file types; integration with digital specimen record aggregators; support museum staff management of researcher-contributed data.
Domain: Data representing physical objects. Biology. Anthropology.
Data Types Accepted: 2D and 3D image data representing physical objects of scholarly interest.
Who Can Contribute: Any approved user
Institutional Limits on What can be Uploaded? None
Preferred Formats: Example deposit structures shown at the link is usually preferred; List of accepted file types is here.
Built-in, Repository Support for Recognizing/Extracting CT Volume Specific Metadata from Files: Yes
Built-in, Repository Support for Generating Accurate 3D Web Previews of CT Volume Datasets: Yes
Maximum Per-Specimen Upload Size: No specific limit, single files larger than 100GB may need special handling due to internet connectivity.
Maximum Project (group of specimens) Size: Deposit fees may be requested for projects anticipated to be more than 100 GB in size, though availability of funds and need will be considered as well.
Data Accessibility: Data availability is determined by the contributor of the data. Options are open download or restricted download (contributor receives the request and approves or denies it). Both availability options allow the user to set licensing and copyright restrictions.
Costs (and time limit, if any): For NSF proposals, MorphoSource currently asks PIs to budget $2,254/TB that is paid to Duke University as part of the proposed work.