Website: Dryad
Contact: Jennifer Gibson
The Dryad Data Platform is a curated resource that makes research data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad provides a general-purpose home for a wide diversity of data types.
Data Types Accepted: All, but files should be uploaded with a README text file describing them.
Who Can Contribute: Any approved users
Institutional Limits on What can be Uploaded? None
Preferred Formats: File with accompanying README text file
Built-in, Repository Support for Recognizing/Extracting CT Volume Specific Metadata from Files: No
Built-in, Repository Support for Generating Accurate 3D Web Previews of CT Volume Datasets: No
Maximum Per-Specimen Upload Size: 300 GB total for publication
Maximum Project (group of specimens) Size: 300 GB per data publication
Data Accessibility: Publicly available with DOI
Costs (and time limit, if any): $150 per data submission (base), more for data >50 GB.