By April Neander, The University of Chicago Chapter 11 of the University of Chicago PaleoCT training course. Covers reconstruction tools available on Datos, such as AGC, cropping, and other modules.
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Data Processing Basics in VG Studio
By April Neander, The University of Chicago Chapter 12 of the University of Chicago PaleoCT training course. Covers importing data, navigation, reorientation, cropping, and merging scans in VGStudio.
Educational Resource
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NC State University Analytical Instrument Facility: Short Introduction to X-ray Computed Tomography
Video about basics of how CT works.
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X-Ray Microscopy Introduction
By Jon Giencke, Bruker X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Microscopy (XRM) can provide a wealth of information while being non-destructive and easily accessible. This video series includes an exciting line-up of speakers to discuss the basics of the techniques, provide […]