This is an introductory course for 3D digital morphology using 3D Slicer and its SlicerMorph extension. Some of the topics we will cover include:
- Importing data (imagestacks)
- Visualization (volume rendering)
- Segmentation and quantification
- Measurements
- Making animations, and screen captures for presentations/publications
- Data export (for sharing on the cloud)
- Photogrammetry processing
It is mandatory to take this course (or provide evidence of proficiency with 3D Slicer), if you are planning to enroll the next short course, 3D Morphometrics with SlicerMorph and R (SlicerMorph 102). We anticipate more applicants than we can accommodate, so please provide a succinct description of your learning goals and your project(s). Graduate students, post-docs and other early career scientists (particularly from institutions where such didactic is not available) will be prioritized.
Course will be offered online via zoom daily and each day will run from 9–2:30pm (Seattle Time) with a short break (~20 min) approximately halfway. Participants expected to attend all sessions. Participants will be given access to MorphoCloud instances, with all the sample data and tutorials already loaded. A good internet connection (preferably a hard wired connection on university campus) is advised. Alternatively, you can use your own computer and install Slicer and SlicerMorph. Note that, if you choose to do that, we won’t be able to help you with any computer or software problems during the course.
There is no registration fee thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF/DBI).
Click here to apply! Deadline for application is March 9th before midnight (Pacific Time).