Dr. Stuart Stock, Northwestern University Center for Regenerative Nanomedicine
Today, we’re thrilled to feature Dr. Stuart Stock (ORCID 0000-0002-8886-4035), a leading expert in tomography with x-ray tubes and with synchrotron x-rays and a key member of NoCTURN’s Basic & Applied Research Community and Interoperability. Stuart has been working with x-ray microComputed Tomography since 1986. In 1989, Dr. Stock and his collaborators were the first to perform in situ loading and quantification of crack opening as a function of 3D position within metal samples. Later, in 2007, he and his collaborators were the first to do microtomography with diffracted x-rays. He wrote the book MicroComputed Tomography: Methodology and Applications which is in its second edition.
Background and Career Journey
Stu. completed his undergraduate and masters degrees in materials science and engineering at Northwestern University where he was last post-doc in the same fields. He has a PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in material science and did a post-doc in x-ray scattering. From 1984 through 2000 he rose to the rank of Professor at Georgia Tech in materials science. In 2001 he returned to Northwestern University, this time to the medical school. He has been a major part of the tomography community, including his role as a Chair on the North American board of Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA).
He has over thirty years of experience in x-ray diffraction and imaging, and has published this knowledge in his book “MicroComputed Tomography: Methodology and Applications”.
In his free time, Stu. and his wife are serious ballroom dancers and typically do 5-8 solo performances per year. He calls cha cha the evil dance. For your viewing pleasure, videos of his ballroom dancing can be found on his YouTube channel @mcstock57. He has also been an election judge for the last ten or so elections.
He is a valued member of a number of NoCTURN Working Groups, and we appreciate the chance to highlight his work to our community!