By: Dr. Julie Winchester, Dr. Doug Boyer, and Jocelyn Triplett MorphoSource is a publicly accessible web data repository that allows museums, researchers, and scholars to upload, archive, curate, and share 3D data (as well as 2D images and video) representing […]
Findability Working Group Takes Over the NoCTURN Network Blog This December!
The NoCTURN Findability Working Group is excited to announce that we are taking over the NoCTURN Blog for the month of December! This special takeover is the second in a series of dedicated blog takeovers, and we look forward to providing […]
Question Box: How long does it take for my entry into the global map to appear on the map?
Answer: The Findability working group is in the process of updating map information—including entries submitted through the NoCTURN website. This work is happening behind the scenes on an ongoing basis as part of a major update to visual organization of […]
Persistent Identifiers: Developing a US National Strategy
The Research Data Alliance and the Open Research Funders Group have partnered to issue a report that highlights persistent identifies, their associated metadata, and the systems that connect them as a means to advance open scholarship in the United States. […]
By RSS, Google Alerts, in Slack, or however you like. You can now keep up with NoCTURN activitities on your terms.
NoCTURN Blog Posts now autopopulate to the NoCTURN Slack. If you prefer, however, you can also save the URL of the whole Blog or just select categories (click the header at the top of a post for all posts in […]