Location – Old Westbury, NY, USA CT Scanner – Bruker SkyScan 1173 Facility Contact – Kelsi Hurdle, Lab Manager, khurdle@nyit.edu Written by Simone Hoffmann, Julia Molnar, and Kelsi Hurdle Facility Overview What inspired the creation of an open access facility? Over the […]
Member Spotlight – Freya Goetz
Title: Museum Specialist at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural HistoryORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5696-4333Website: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/staff/freya-goetzNoCTURN Involvement: Open Science Committee “NoCTURN is wonderful because it is aimed at improving approaches to CT and open science. The group is collaborative and incredibly welcoming” […]
Open CT facilities – Florida Atlantic University Laboratory Schools – Owls Imaging Lab
Location – Boca Raton, FL, USACT Scanner — Bruker SkyScan 1173Facility Contact Information — Lauren Simonitis, Research and Bioimaging Specialist, lsimonit@fau.edu Facility Overview What inspired the creation of an open access facility? The Owls Imaging Lab is a one-of-a-kind research […]
Member Spotlight – Callie Crawford
Title: Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University, Department of BiologyExpertise: Functional Morphology, Fishes, Elasmobranchs, BiomechanicsORCID: 0000-0002-7225-8137Involvement in NoCTURN: Open Science and Education and Outreach Introduction Today, we’re featuring Dr. Callie Crawford, a functional morphologist based at Coastal Carolina University. Dr. Crawford has been using CT […]
The importance of open science and data sharing in academic publishing: A journal editor’s perspective
Written by Heather F. Smith, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief of The Anatomical RecordProfessor of Anatomy at Midwestern UniversityNoCTURN Open Science Committee member ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3738-0903 As scientists, we’ve all been there—trying to reconstruct another researcher’s steps or protocols, but missing the necessary information […]
Like the onion but without the peels
By Kelsi Hurdle Note: the following blog post uses sarcasm to bring lightheartedness to a serious current issue. Like the onion but without the peels. The author’s views are her own. As confusion has erupted around the future of funding, […]
March is Open Science Blog Month!
It’s officially March and the NoCTURN blog has been taken over by the Open Science Committee! Our posts will include highlights from community members and reflections on previous accomplishments in Open Science. We also encourage you to become more involved […]
Postdoctoral Teaching & Research Fellow at NYITCOM
New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM) seeks a Postdoctoral Teaching and Reseach Fellow for the Department of Anatomy. This is a 3-year position in the Anatomy Department at NYITCOM. Appointment to this position includes $3,000 per […]
CT DMSP Now Available!
The highly anticipated Open Science CT Dataset Management and Sharing Plan is now available! You can download a copy below or check it out on the Open Science Resources page (which will be fully live by the end of the […]